Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Web We Weave: Part One

Doc Grey was 'hired' by a frequent customer to find his lost love...err...girlfriend that went missing 2 weeks ago. Geegee went missing along with her 3 roommates roughly two weeks ago. Geegee is a goth chic that works the front checkin desk at a nearby Malmar bioclinic and a couple years ago was known by the name Gina Anderson. The trouble daughter of a relatively well to do family out of Wonderlake, IL. She had a checkered past of minor crime and gothic girl tendencies. Nevermind she was rumored to be a 'witch' that could 'touch you from across the room'. Doc Grey visited her last known residence in a burnt out Gangland zone where she live in a squatter tenement but didn't pay local Gangland 'tax'. She and her friends were last rumored to be looking for a lost child 'Bobby' that was a daredevil visiting an old bio-technical research center that has since been abandon and avoided due to rumors of 'bogey men' and the like. Taking a closer look, Doc Grey found Gina Kirkland Anderson's initialed backpack/bag in the lobby of the burnt out bio-tech building. He summarily grabbed it and ran as it gave him the creeps with all the dust and cobwebs that seemed to signify lack of travel and usage in the building.